I followed this course by, Prof. Nick Bezhanishvili during my 5th Semester at the ILLC Amsterdam for my M.Sc. Logic (UvA). I covered most of the material already in Modal Logic (Lecture). I paired for exercises with Josje van der Laan. The notes are from the book: Modal Logic by P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke, Y. Venema, (2010), Cambridge University Press.


  1. Overleaf: IML, 1
  2. Overleaf: IML, 2
  3. Overleaf: IML, 3
  4. Overleaf: IML, 4
  5. Overleaf: IML, 5

Lecture Notes

  • Bisimilarity & Invariance Lemma, as in: 3. Expressive Power and Invariance.
    • converse of invariance lemma holds with -bisimilarity for . (see 2.24)
    • is image finite if
    • for , image finite, (Hennessy - Milner)
      • often written as
      • often written as .
    • [for the maximal complexity of a formula in , a -inductively defined modal logic, then for the -bisimulation, as defined in: Overleaf: IML, 1]

Types (from the Book)

  • is a modal similarity type for , , 1.11
    • elements of are modal operators
      • use to denote its elements.
        • for ,
    • assigns to each operator a finite arity.
  • is a modal language for and a set of prop.lett , 1.12
    • is given by
  • -type at is , 2.1
    • two -types at and , for , s.t. have same mod.sim.type , write if -type. is -type..
    • iff
    • preserves all information.
  • for mod.sim.type, -models, then , 2.3

17.09, Filtrations

  • A (generated) submodel of is a model s.t.
    1. (4.)
    • is gen.sub, of , , then
  • is rooted if exists , a root, that generates the whole model, 2.5
  • Morphisms
    • Homo- for -models, hom., if: , 2.7
      • Modal formulas are not invariant under homomorphism, structure of the domain (source) is reflected in the image (target), not the riverse.
      • , 2.9
      • , 2.9
    • Bounded: if
      1. is homom. to
      • let bound.morph., then
        • for models, a bound.morph., then
    • for for model, the disj.union (On Disjoint Union) is a model s.t.
      1. , ,
  • 5. Finite Model Property:
    • Modal Depth:\is defined as follows:
      1. (i) , (ii) , (iii) , (iv)
      2. (v)
    • i.e. bisimulate up to depth .
      • if, for , , then , 2.30-1
    • for rooted model in , define:, 2.32
        1. , and .
    • if has only diamonds, is sat. iff sat. on a finite mode, 2.34
    • Filtrations from 2.25
      • for cl.under subformulae, 2.36
      • the filtration model , 2.36
      • , 2.39
        • , 2.38
        • every formula that is satisfiable, is satisfiable in a finite model, 2.41
          • for the subformula-closure of .
      • One can always define filtration through:, 2.39
        1. (smallest)
        2. (largest)
          • trans. trans.
          • for trans., define , (cluster), 2.43
            • a cluser is simple, if s.t. and proper if .

24.09, IV. Trees

  • a tree is a frame s.t.
    1. is rooted (i.e. )
      1. for the refl.trans.cl. of
      1. for the trans.cl. of
  • for , ex. s.t. surj. bounded morphism.
  • a path in is a seq. s.t.

Standard Translation

01.10, V. Frame Definability

  • a class of frames is definable if there is a modal formula s.t. .
  • recall bounded functions from 17.09, Filtrations.
    • for bounded morphism, s.t. , , then .
      • β€œmodally definable classes are closed under bounded morphisms.”
  • recall disjoint union from 17.09, Filtrations. We define it now for frames.
    • for a definable class of frames:
  • for FO.def.class of frames, then is mod.def. iff. is cl. under bounded morphic images, hgenerated subframes, disjoint unions and reflects untrafitler extensions (Goldlatt - Thomson Theorem)
  • LΓΆb formula:
    • for , , if you prove smth consistent, it is false (GΓΆdel)
  • GΓΆdel Logic (GL)
    • is conversely well-founded if there is no ascending infinite chain
      • (it is not FO-def.)
    • not trans., not conv.well.foud. then .
    • ?

08.10, VI. Correspondence

  • , this is the general form of correspondence
    • , with a second order quantification
    • for some, second order is not needed:
      • which is:
  • , call "" is a FO-correspondent of .
    • example:
      • is closed if
      • if is closed, it has a FO-corr., which is effectively computable form .
  • more clearly than in the book: Sahlqvist.pdf
  • for , write occurrences as , call it positive if is under an even number of negations in
    • I write . occurrences are either positive or negative ("")
  • is positive if
    • formulae are positive, negative or either of the two.
    • clearly,
  • for , s.t. , let a val. on , and a val. s.t. and , then .
    • for .
  • there always is a minimal valuation that makes the formula false

12.11, General Frames & Incomplete Logics

  • is a general frame if is a kripke frame and s.t.
  • for a gen.fr. then:
  • is a gen.mod. for a gen.fr and .
  • gen.fr and is a consistent normal modal logic.
  • Define (M)
    • (M)
  • is an consistent and complete logic

26.10 Completeness of PDL

Definition (Atom) let be a set of formulae, is an Atom if and B \vdahs_{\PDL} \bot$

Also define is an atom in $\lnot FL(\Sigma)}

Lemma let \in At(\Sigma), then:

  1. \varphi \in \lnot FL(\Sigma): exatly one \varphi \in A or \lnot \varphi \in A
  2. … (sry missed those, but simple equivalence following the definitions of the ways combining programs given in \FL).

Lemma At(\Sigma) = {\Gamma \cap \lnot FL(\Sigma) : for some MCS \Gamma} Proof \Gamma \cap \lnot FL(\Sigma) is consistent \not \vdash \bot as but \varpgu \not \in \Gamma \cap \lnot FL(\Sigma), so \varphi \not \in \Gamma. We then. conclide \lnot \varphi \in \Gamma, so…

For the other direction, simple application of the Lindenbaum lemma. $A \subseteq \Gamma \ca \lnto FL(\Sigma) \Rightarrow A = \Gamma \cap \lnot FL(\Sigma) as both are atoms.

Consider that all proof swe are doing are constructive by finiteness of \Sigma and hence of

Lemma if \varphi \in \lnot \FL(\Sigma) and A \in At(\Sigma)$ s.t. \varphi \in A. Proof by Lindenbaum

Definition (finite canonical model over ) β€œtemporary definition”. Let be a finite set of formulas, the finite canonical model over is made by where . We then define ., where .

Note now: and and we dont like it! We massage the canonical model in order to prove this but still prove the Truths Lemma.

Lemma let \in At(\Sigma) and $\langle \pi \rangle