Before beginning to answer the question that gives the title to this page, I want to analyse under which conditions it actually makes sense to finish the M.Sc. Logic (UvA) in one year, i.e. at the end of the 6th Semester. To proceed, I describe a possible (perhaps even probable) optimal scenario in which I would certainly decide to finish the master in this first year; I will then proceed the discussion assuming that such an optima scenario is actual.
The Best Possible World
I would certainly decide to finish the M.Sc. Logic (UvA) in one year, if:
- By the end of the 5th Semester, I have enough credits (that is, neglecting any potential mark below 7.0) so that I can focus on the writing of the thesis for my 6th Semester
- It would also help to know that I can hand the thesis in around September / October, so that I actually have all the time to work on it.
- It may also help to consider to have some past courses recognised, like
- Advanced Set Theory (Lecture), which may count as (see Ludwig Maximilian Universität München)
- Model Theory (Lecture), same as above
- Philosophy of Logic (LMU), What a Logic Could not Be
- Category Theory for the Working Philosopher (LMU), Structure on Models
- Philosophy of Physics
- My average of grades is significantly above 8.0, if I am well-organised, it is uploaded at MoL_Marks (
- I have a good Thesis project, that is:
- I have, or may have in time, good familiarity with the literature
- It is in the field in which I want to work in the future
Given these assumptions, before the end of September / October I will be graduated at the ILLC in the M.Sc. Logic (UvA) with honors, perhaps, I will also consider the ELLIS Honours Programme.
Potential Following Roads
In general, there are three roads that I may consider:
- Begin a good PhD
- Stay at the ILLC to do research as a MoL student
- Try to work for one year
I clearly have preferences among these three scenarios, that is, I would definitely prioritise the first option but only if that is in one of my favourite universities. With a similar approach as above, I almost solely consider the best possible scenario, i.e. I see what I should do to get in a PhD position I would really like; if that will not be the case, I will take into consideration the alternatives.
Applying for PhD Positions
Given that I am unsure in which topic I want to write the thesis, I am clearly unsure on the precise filed in which i want to do my PhD and therefore picking one department becomes particularly complicated.
Complications with US Applications: there are several difficulties in applying in universities in the US, since I would not have my M.Sc. Logic (UvA) completed by that time. Deadlines seem to be around January (at least this is the case for Princeton) and by that time I would have done the first semester, which could actually already be most of the credits other than the thesis. On top of that, I can also submit data linked to the website, which will then be updated (in case marks were still to come by the deadline).
Candidate PhD Positions
I divide here the applications I will do in the US and those I will do in Europe, since the deadlines, procedure and general structure of the studies are radically different. In general, I would both appreciate an experience in the US personally and I would also enjoy to have some more taught courses, since I cannot yet feel to have a broad enough background to properly do research. To find most universities I may be interested in, I use
PhD Position in the US: here I list all those that may be interesting and to which I consider applying:
- Berkley University: link
- Carnegie Mellon University: link
- I will apply for the Doctorate in Pure and Applied Logic, let my M.Sc. Logic (UvA) be recognised and do the PhD 3-4 years.
- Princeton: link
- I would have a strong application due to Structuralism & Categories (Research Project) with Halvorson
- Stanford: link
- I followed a course by Prof. Zalta and Prof. van Bentham has history at the ILLC I proceeded in more depth in PhD Applications in the US.
PhD Positions in EU: applying to European positions should be less pressing with deadlines, I consider applying:
- University of Amsterdam: ILLC
- Ludwig Maximilian University: MCMP
- Oxford University: DPhil
- (Vienna?)
- (Constance?)
This page is then followed by Is it the Begin of a Motivational Decline.