I followed this course during my 4th Semester at the LMU Munich for my B.Sc. Mathematics (LMU).

Following the lecture series on Algebra (Lecture), I proceed taking notes for this course too. The lecture notes begin with a general 1. Introduction, I summarise here the core of the content that is relevant for the final exam.

2. Rings and Ideals

  • 2.1 def. ring, 2.2 def. ring.hom, 2.3 def. subring
    • ring.hom, subr. of .
  • rings, is a -algebra (with str. map ) if there is an hom. s.t. . 2.4
    • if also but with str.map , a hom. of -alg. is a func. s.t.
  • ring, ring.hom., for , def. , s.t. , , i.e. , 2.5
    • ring, incl., if a ring hom. and , then defines a unique ring hom. , if const.pol. , hence , i.e. , hence is an hom. of -alg. (Universal Mapping Property)
    • Example: a field, , def. a uniq.surj. hom of -alg. , 2.5.a
  • ideals, 2.7
    • ring.hom., is id.
    • is a ring, by
  • for ring, id., proj., s.t. , then induces id. id. , 2.8
  • tfae: (i) fi., (ii) only id. are and , (iii) every ring.hom is inj (if ). 2.10
    • in : , ,
  • are coprime if , 2.12
    • then
  • ring, ideals, then A: i. are copr. for \ ii. is surj. are copr. for iii. is inj. (Chinese Reminder Theorem), 2.14
  • for ring.hom. id. in , id. in : 2.16
    • is an ideal called contraction or pullback of
    • is an ideal (generated by ), called extension or pushforward of .
    • Furhtermore, it holds: 2.17
      • ,
      • ,
      • let ideal, , ideal, , set of ideals in that are contractions and extensions respectively, then induces a bij. C \to^\tilde E with inverse
    • ring.hom.: 2.18
      • ,
      • ,
      • ,

3. Prime Ideals

  • 3.1 pr.id., max.id.
    • (i) ID pr.id., (ii) is max.id., (iii) max.id. pr.id.
    • , then and ( is pr.id. is pr.id.)
    • pr.id. (for any id. then ), exe.2.1.a
    • all but max. 2 pr.id., id.: , exe.2.1.b (Prime Avoidance)
    • every ideal lies in a max.id. 3.3
    • pr.id. e.2.1.a
  • 3.4 def. PID
    • ( PID fi.) but not PID
  • loc.ring if , 3.6
    • (residue field)
      • fin.gen.-alg, , then res.fi. of is , and tfae: exe.5.2
        1. cl.point in
        2. is a fin.fi.ext.
        3. is an alg.fi.ext.
    • tfae: (i) loc.ring, (ii) , (iii) is id.
      • example: is loc.ring with max.id., res.fi.
  • ring, prime ideal, called the spectrum of , 3.9
  • subset, then
    • if id. then
    • ,
  • is not a closed point ( ) is not max.
  • ring, , zar.top. is s.t. cl.sets are id., 3.12
    • irr. and cl. subs. in correspond to max ideals in correspond to closed points in
    • is cl. if is cl., i.e. if , 3.12
      • ,
      • pr.max.id. cl.point in top.sp.
  • top.sp. subs., is red. if and closed.
    • irr. for any then
      • is not irr.
      • , then is irr.
        • is irr.cl.subs.
    • , since is irred. (bc it’s a singleton); is irr.
    • irr. is irr.
    • pr.id. is irr. and cl.
  • ring: has one pr.id. any is nilp. or , exe.4.1
  • ring: irr. pr.id. pr.id., link
  • examples, 3.13
    1. fi., then
    2. pr.num., ,
      • , hence it’s cl.point
      • , 3.8.e
        • is loc.ring., uniq.max.id.
    3. pr.num., generally:
      • ID pr.id. and pr.id. are the cl.points.
        • cl.subsets are finite
  • Moving from ring. to top.sp. with yields the following correspondences:
    • prime ideals in irreducible closed subsets of
    • maximal ideals in closed points of

4. Noetherian Rings

  • ring, is a Noetherian ring if every ideal is finally generated, 4.1
    • (a) is is noeth.
      • fields, , and are noeth. rings
    • (b) ring.hom., noeth. then is noeth.
      • hence quotients of noeth. are noeth.
      • if ideal, there is fin.gen.id. s.t. , then
    • (c) pol.ring. with infinite many variables, then is not fin.gen.
      • if is quot.field. for , so subrings with noeth.rings must not be noeth.
  • for a ring: ( pr.id. fin.gen) noeth., exe.2.4.b
  • noeth. then (i) has fin. many min.pr.id., (ii) every ideal in contains a min.pr.id., (iii) for min.pr.id. of , 8.5
  • For ring, tfae: 4.3
    1. noeth
    2. every ascending chain of ideals in becomes stationary,
      • i.e. (Ascending Chain Condition)
    3. any set of ideals in has a max. elem.
      • (then you can use the [[Linear Algebra II (Lecture)#Recap#12.2 Zorn’s Lemma]])
  • noeth., surj.ring.hom. is aut.
  • noeth. noeth. (Hilbert’s Basis Theorem), 4.5
  • let top.sp., is noeth. if has on cl.subsets, 4.6
    • for closed subset of , (DCC)
    • top.sp. tfae: 4.7
      1. is noeth.top.sp.
      2. every non empty fam. of cl.subsets has a minimal element
      3. satisfies for open subsets
      4. every non empty fam. of open subsets has a max.elem.
    • example 4.8:
      • and in usual top. are not noeth.top.sp.
      • noeth.ring. noeth.top.sp.
      • you can have not noeth. but noeth.top.sp.
  • irr.subs. iff cannot be written as for top.sp.
    • let top.sp. is irr.comp. if maximally irr.subset.
      • min.pr.ideals correspond to irr.comp (i.e. max.ir.cl.subset
      • every irr.comp. is cl. (i.e. cl. cl.) exe.3.3.b
      • every irr.subset is contained in an irr.comp.
      • ID irr., tut.12.4.i
      • red.ring, irr. ID tut.,12.4.i
      • irr., has a uniq.min.irr.comp has a uniq.min.pr.id. tut.12.4.i
  • noeth.top.sp. cl., then there are irr.cl.subsets s.t. (i) , (ii) for then , then are the irr.comp. of 4.9
    • noeth.top.sp. finitely many irr.comp.
    • noeth.ring., fin.min.pr.id, 4.10
      • noeth.ring., noeth.top.sp. has fin. many irr.comp has fin. many min. pr.ideals.
      • Compute irr.comp. for noeth.ring, , find all min.pr.ideals
  • for , is of finite type over if ex. surj.map , tut.3.1.a
    • neoth, fin.typ.ov. noeth.

5. Radicals

  • let ring, is nilp. if
    • is pr.id ideal in
    • is red. if
      • ID red.
      • red.ring, irr. ID tut.,12.4.i
    • nilp. zerodiv.
    • has one! pr.id any is nilp. or fi., exe.4.1
    • pr.id. wiki
  • let a ring. contains no non-triv. nilp.elem., 5.3
  • for ring, id.: id. in , 5.4
    • quot.map.,
      • , i.e. is rad.id. iff red, 5.4
    • pr.id. rad.id.
    • rad. rad., tut.
  • For , ideals:, 5.5
    • coprime coprime
    • for is a ring.hom., id., then
  • fin.gen.pr.id.: , exe.4.3.b
  • PID, , 5.6
  • ring, the Jacobson rad.id. of , max.id. id. in , 5.7
    • ring, , 5.8
  • jacob.ring. if max.id., 5.10
    • fields are jacob.rings, too.
    • jacob.ring.
    • jacob.ring. max.id. are dense in , tut.4.3
    • jacob.ring., id., is jacob. ring, hence:
      • , for each id. max.id., 5.10
    • jacob.ring. , 5.11
    • for ring s.t. (i) is ID, (ii) is noeth.ring., (iii) pr.id. max.id. (iv) , is Jacob, 5.12
      • for ring, max.id.},
      • max.id. 5.14
  • for ring, id., then , 5.15

6. Affine Algebraic Geometry

  • for -alg., then is -subalg. if subr. s.t. , 6.1
    • for subset, -subalg. gen. by , -subgalg. of
      • is the smallest -subalg. of containing
      • alm. all (see Answers A. 1)
  • is a fin.gen. -alg. , 6.3
    • every ring is fin.gen. to , since
  • for fi., a -alg, then alg. is alg.over. if ex. s.t. , 6.4
    • if each is alg.over., then is alg.over..
    • if is a fi.ext., then alg.over. iff ring alg.over..
  • exists ring.hom. is a -alg.
  • field, is -alg., then: 6.5
    1. if ID and alg. over is a field
    2. is a field and ex. s.t. fin.gen. -alg and and ID, then is alg. over .
    3. hom. of -alg., fin.gen. -alg, if max.id., then is max.id.
  • 6.5 generalised: jac.ring., fin.gen.-alg. jac.ring., exe.5.4
    • for any , max.id., and is fin.fi.ext.
  • fi., with structure as exposed below, 6.6
    • as sets , though we give them a different structure
    • for max.id., (3.5.d)
    • if and is max.id., then , 6.7
  • fi., , 6.8
    • if , then
    • if id.,
      • is noeth.ring.
    • for
    • for and
  • fi., , max.id. , is inj., 6.10
    • in particular:
  • alg.cl.fi. then: (a) is bij., (b) id., then , 6.11
    • has
      • (b) says that there always are common solutions, and it is necessary that is alg.cl.
    • is rad.id. (by 5.6.b)
    • for ,
      • (if we took , I think)
    • fi., : irr.top.sp. pr.id., exe.5.3
  • alg.cl.fi., , (Hilb. Nullstellensatz, II), 6.13
  • fi., fin.gen. -alg., is jac.ring., 6.14
    • if id., then max.id.
  • alg.cl.fi., , then and induce a bij.: rad.id.affine -vanches
  • fi., , aff.-var., if is van.id of , then the coord.ring. of is the -alg. , 6.16
    • coord.ri. is fin.gen. and red. -alg.
    • for , then
      • if alg.cl.fi. identity holds:
  • alg.cl.fi., fin.gen.red.-alg., then ex. aff.-var. s.t. , 6.17
    • fin.gen.red.-alg. are called aff.-alg.
    • (p. 34)
  • fi., aff.-var., a subvar. s.t. -var., i.e. for id. in , 6.18
    • subv., then
      • and: id. in
      • is red., hence is rad.id.
    • for , subvar.
  • for alg.cl.fi. aff.-var., then and are bijections, 6.19
    • subvar. rad.id.
    • if id. in subvar. , then isom.
  • aff.-var., then irr. is pr.id., (cf. exe.5.3) 6.20
  • Finally, the maps (left to right), (right to left) induce the following correspondences:
    1. closed subsets of radical ideals in
    2. irreducible closed subsets of prime ideal in
    3. irreducible components in of minimal prime ideals in
    4. points of minimal ideals in

7. Modules

  • ring., a -mod. is a ab.gr. on + and a scal.mult. s.t., 7.1
    • for -mod., -submod. of if subgr. s.t. , 7.1
    • examples, 7.2:
      • (i) with scalar mult., (ii) fi., mod. are exactly vec.sp., (iii) -mod. are exactly ab.gr. (iv) with comp.wise mult.
  • for -mod, morph./lin.map. is s.t., 7.3
    • is -mod. for ,
      • is -lin.
        • an -mod., , exe.6.2.a
        • id., , exe.6.2.b
        • , then as -mod., exe.6.2.c
      • and
    • for , then and are -submod.
    • if is -mod, -submod., then is mod. with scal.mult. .
      • is surj.-lin.map
      • Homomorphism Theorem holds too
    • (i) , (ii) , (iii) , are -mod., (v) is not.
      • ,
        • hence , check Answers, A.3
      • sub.-mod.
  • inj., tut.6.2
    • fin.gen. isom.
  • for -mod., id., 7.4
    • id.
    • call -mod. faithful if
    • if is -mod. is id. s.t. , then is a faithful -mod.
      • if then
  • for a -mod., then:, 7.5
    1. for , is a cyclic -submod.gen.by.
    2. generates if .
    3. is a basis if , , check Answers A.4
      • if has a basis, call it free
        • example is free.-mod.,
        • free, then each is uniq.det. by .
        • free
        • examples, 7.6:
          • fin.abl.gr. is -mod. fin.gen. and not free
          • -submod of free -mod. must not be free
  • -mod. is proj. if ex. -mod. s.t. , 7.7
    • free proj.
    • PID, proj.-mod. is free, 7.8.b
    • proj.-mod is free 7.8.d
    • proj. -mod., mult.cl.subs., then is proj.-mod., tut.12.4.xi
    • -mod., proj., tut.12.4.xii
  • for ring, an -mod. tfae:. 7.9
    1. is proj.
    2. if are -mod., is surj.-lin.map., is -lin.map., then ex. -lin.map s.t. .
    3. if is -mod., is surj.map. -lin.map., then ex. s.t. -lin.map. s.t. .
    4. if are -mod., is surj.-lin., surj., exe.7.3
  • proj., -mod., the incl. induces a surj.map. , exe.7.4
  • ring., a fg.-mod., id. s.t. , then , (Nakayama) 7.10
    • for fg.-mod., id. s.t. , if , then , 7.11
    • for fg.-mod., id. s.t. , if is -submod. s.t. , then
    • loc.ring. with max.id. , fin.gen.-mod., s.t. form a -bas. of , then gen. as an -mod., 7.13
    • ring., fin.gen.-mod., -lin. and surj. then is isom., 7.14
  • for -mod is -bil. if (i) , (ii) , (iii) , (see Linear Algebra II (Lecture)) 7.16
  • for -mod., then, 7.17
    1. ex. -mod. and a -bil. s.t. for -mod., -bil., then ex! st. . (see diagram on notes)
    2. pair is unique up to isom.
    3. if is -lin. then induces a -lin.map , if is -lin. then
      • fin.gem-mod., then fin.gen.
        • since gen by , by then is gen by .
      • for ring., -mod., , then: exe.6.1
          • surj. inj., exe.6.1
  • example, 7.19:
    • by linearity
    • ab.tor.gr., then , since .
      • tor.gr. if
  • , exe.8.1
  • -mod., then:, 7.20
    • (i) ,
    • (ii) ,
    • (iii) ,
    • (iv) ,
  • fin.gen.-mod. s.t. , then , exe.9.2
  • for , , with bases , , then has basis , 7.20.a
    • (see fin.gen.free.-mod., 7.5.3)
    • -mod. and free.-mod. with basis , then
  • for alg.cl.fi. , aff.-var., , then , 7.22
  • rings, -bimod. is an ab.gr., is a -mod. and -mod. s.t. , 7.23
    • example, 7.24: (i) -mod, then -bimod., (ii) is -bimod.
  • , an -mod., an -bimod., then ab.subgr., 7.25
  • is -lin. isom., 7.26
  • let be a seq. -mod. and -lin.fun.:, 7.27
    • is exact at , if .
    • is exact if it is in every module.
    • is exact inj
    • is exact surj.
    • is exact inj., surj.,
    • is exact
    • exact if there is an pointw.comm.isom. to an exc.seq.
    • if is exact, for -mod., then: 7.28
      • is exact
        • i.e. is left exact
      • is exact
        • i.e. is right exact
  • , hom., , 7.29
    • surj.
    • for each , exists that is exact
  • for a snake comm.diagram (7.30) with exact rows, then the following is exact (snake lemma) , 7.30
  • for a 5-lemma.comm.diagr. with exact rows: 7.31
    • surj., inj., inj.
    • inj., surj., surj.
  • for (): sh.exa.seq. of -mod., tfae: 7.32
    1. , is incl, proj. on the sec. summand.
    2. exists s.t.
    3. exists s.t.
    4. () is split exact
    • proj., () split exact
  • if () sh.spl.exa.seq., -mod., exact
  • is -flat if every inj.-lin.map. , then inj., 7.34
    • is -fl. for any fin.gen.subm. , the nat.map. inj., exe.9.4.b
    • for all , is -fl. is -fl., exe.9.4.c, 7.37
    • is flat if it is -flat for every -mod.
    • free proj. flat tor.fr, 7.35-39
    • PID: free proj flat tor.fr. 7.39.f
    • loc.ring: proj. free (Kaplansky), exe.9.3
    • quot. of -fl is -fl., 7.36
      • is -fl. is -fl. for quot. of , exe.9.4
    • -mod., tfae: (i) is -fl., (ii) is fl., (iii) preserves exactness on sh.exa.seq., 7.38
      • (iii): exact exact.

8. Dimensions

  • for top.sp., then irr.cl., 8.1
    • for ring,
      • equivalently: pr.id
    • for , , then
      • both and are defined as subspaces with irr.cl.subsets.
    • for aff.var.ov. for alg.cl.fi., then
    • examples: 8.2
      • PID and not a field,
        • noeth.ring , 8.5
      • noeth.loc.ring , 9.15
      • noeth., , exe.14.2
  • alg.ind. if
    • equivalently: is inj.ring.hom.
  • fi. -alg., then finite alg.ind.subset (transcendence degree), 8.3
    • if , then
    • if , then
      • if , then is max. fin. alg.ind.subset and .
  • fi., a -alg., subset s.t. it gen. as a -alg., then f.alg.ind.subset
    • hence , 8.4
    • example: 8.5
      • noeth. then (i) has fin. many min.pr.id., (ii) every ideal in contains a min.pr.id., (iii) for min.pr.if. of , 8.5
  • fi., fin.gen.-alg., then , 8.6
  • is an art.-mod. if for -submod. any chain is stat., 8.7
    1. every non-empty set of -submod. of has a min.el., 8.7
    2. is art.ring if is an art.-mod., 8.7
    • fin.-mod. art.-mod., 8.8.a
    • -mod., is art.-mod., 8.8.b
    • is not art.ring. (since has no min.el.), 8.8.c
  • ring, s.t. for max.id., then is art.ring is noeth., 8.9
  • art.ring, then: 8.10
    1. pr.id. max.id.
    2. fin.many max.id. in
  • art.ring noeth. and , 8.10
    • art.ID fi.
  • art.-mod., , inj. surj., tut.10.2
  • fi., fin.gen.-alg., tfae: 8.11
    1. alg.ov.
    2. (as a vec.sp.)
    3. is art.ring
  • ring, , then , 8.12
    • if id., then
    • (often equal)
    • fact.ring, s.t. princ.id., 8.13
  • fi., id., then tfae:, 8.14
    1. has pure dim
      • every irr.comp. of has
    2. (in particular )
    3. princ.id.
  • , aff.var. for alg.cl.fi., then , 8.16

9. Localization

  • ring, mult.cl. if in which the element of have a multiplicative inverse.
    • ID,
    • ring, loc.ring.
    • ring, for some .
    • There is a ring.hom. (always)
      • if ID, then inj.,
      • ,
        • note consequences of , every tuple is similar.
  • fin.gen.-alg. , tut.11.1.a
  • ring., id., , tut.11.2.a
  • is im. of in , then
  • ring., , mult.cl. , ring.hom. s.t. then: ex! ring.hom s.t. (Universal Property), 9.4
    • proj. -mod., mult.cl.subs., then is proj.-mod., tut.12.4.xi
  • int.ov. , exe.14.3
  • for and , 9.4
  • For , 9.5
    • id.
    • if is id., then
    • ext. and contr. give bijections: pr.id. of pr.id. s.t.
  • example (Localisation as a Functor): 9.6
    • for ring, , define loc. with as uniq.max.id.:
    • -mod.,
    • and
    • -lin.map., is -lin.
    • Hence localisation defines a functor
  • the functor is exact (Exact Localisation), 9.7
    1. if exa, then is exact.
  • -mod., then, 9.8
  • is the unique -lin.isom., 9.9
    • consider the two functors and
      • 9.9 implies , also the mapping of functions is equivalent.
      • hence the two distinct functors are isomorphic.
  • is -lin.isom. 9.10
    • for ,
  • a property of rings (or mod.) is loc. if (Local Property), 9.11
  • "" is a local property, 9.12
    • ring, -mod., tfae: (i) , (ii) , (iii) , 9.12
  • ” is ink. (surj.)” is a local property, 9.12
  • ” is an exact sequence” is a local property, 9.12
  • ” is flat” is a local property, 9.13
  • β€œbeing normal” is a local property, 11.11
  • ” reduced” is a local property, tut.11.2.b
    • ring, -mod. tfae: (i) flat, (ii) , (iii) , 9.13
  • noeth.ring., princ.id., if min.pr.id. s.t. , then (Krull’s princ.id. Th.), 9.14
    • in particular:
  • noeth.ring., id., if is min.pr.id. s.t. , then , (K. Height Th.), 9.15
    • in particular:
    • noeth.loc.ring,
  • noeth.ring., s.t. , then , 9.16
    • noeth.loc.ring with max.id., for s.t. , then:
      • (for the minimal set of generators)
      • is a local coordinate system or system of parameters of
      • note: is min.ov.

10. Primary Decomposition

  • ring., primary.id. iff , 10.1
    • equivalently, , and every zero.div. in is nilpot.
      • i.e. zero.div. for for
    • for , then: primary.id. primary.id.
    • prime.id. primary.id.
    • are primary.id. in
  • primary id. prime.id. (say is -primary) 10.3-4
    • is smallest s.t.
  • max.id., id., if or if , then is -primary, 10.5
    • is -primary, but not all primary ideals are a power of max.id.
    • powers of prime ideals are not necessarily primary ideals 10.6
  • ring, id., a PD of is a fin.set of primary.id. s.t. , 10.7
  • noeth.ring., id., has a (min.)PD. 10.8(.12)
    • PID, , then
  • are -primary is -primary, 10.10
  • A PD is a min.PD if and , 10.11
    • ring, id., , then id.
  • ring, , a -prim.id., then: 10.14
    1. if
    2. if
  • ring, id, then is ass.to. if , 10.15
    • define ass.to.
    • is an isolated.prime. if it is min. in
      • not isolated elements are embedded
  • ring, id., min.PD, then (Uniqueness I), 10.16
    • and depend only on .
    • isol.pr.id. of are exactly the min.pr.id.ov., 10.17
  • ring, id., min.PD, , if isol.pr.(/min.pr.id.ov.) and loc.map., then (Uniq. II), 10.19
    • also, pr.comp. corresponding isol.pr.id. in a min.PD do not depend on the PD.

11. Integral Ring Extensions

  • Motivation
    • recall from Algebra (Lecture): fi.ext.: fin.gen & alg. finite
    • here: ring.ext.: fin.gen & int. finite
  • subring., is int.ov. if , 11.1
    • i.e.
    • (or ) is int. if any is int.ov.
  • int.ov. , exe.14.3
  • ring, , fin.gen.-mod., if -lin. s.t. , then ex. mon. s.t. (Caley Hamilton, see 17.4 Cayley-Hamilton), 11.3
    • for fi., a fin.dim.vex.sp., then pick a basis and let have a matrix, then is the usual characteristic polynomial.
  • ring.ext. is fin., if is a fin.gen -mod., 11.4
  • ring.ext., then fin. int. fin.gen, 11.5
    • i.e. ex. int.ov. s.t.
  • ring.ext., then int.ov. subring. (of too), (Integral Closure) 11.6-7
    • if , then A is Integrally Closed, if , is integral over
  • , ring.ext., then: 11.9
    1. , int. int.
    2. int.cl. of in is max.int.cl. of in
    3. , , id. int.
    4. int., mult.cl. int.
      • if also int.cl. of in int.cl. of in
  • ID, then the norm.cl. of in is the int.cl of in , 11.10
    • hence:
    • if , then is norm.
  • β€œbeing normal” is a local property, 11.11
    • tfae: (i) norm. (ii) norm., (iii) norm.
    • fact.ring norm.
  • int.ring.ext., ID, then: fi. fi., 11.13
    • int.ring.ext., then: 11.14
      1. , , then: max.id. max.id.
      2. s.t. , , then
  • int.ring.ext.: (Lying-Over), 11.15
    • over every prime ideal of lies a prime ideal of B
  • int.ring.ext., pr.id. in , pr.id. in s.t. , then: can be extended to by (Going-Up), 11.16
  • int.ring.ext, , 11.17
  • int.ring.ext. norm., ID, pr.id. in , pr.id. in s.t. , then: can be ext. to by (Going-Down), 11.16
    • ring.hom has going.up. prop. if satisfies the conditions above
    • int.ov.
  • ring.ext., id. in , int.cl. of in , then
    • for
    • hence id. in
  • ring.ext., ID, norm., id., int.ov.. then: alg.ov., 11.20
    • the min.pol. of has the form: s.t.
  • fi., fg.-alg.: ex. alg.ind. s.t. , int.ext., 11.21
    • , , s.t. , then for ,
  • for a ring, is max. if it can’t be extended.
  • fi., fin.gen -alg., is max.ch.pr.id., then , 11.23
    • also, has pure.dim.
      • i.e. every irr.comp. of has dim.
    • every max.ch.pr.id. in has len. .
    • if pr.id. in , then all max.ch.pr.id. between and have same lenght
      • i.e. a finitely generated -algebra is a catenary ring
  • fin.gen.-alg., of pure dim., if pr.id. then , 12.24
    • hence for id.,



  • Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
    • Example:
      • , complex parabola
      • , i.e. functions
      • , i.e. the eq.class of polynomial of , in the ex. .
    • a ring, like is:
      • finitely generated, if it is a quotient of , call it -algebra.
      • reduced, if it contains nilpotent elements, call it affine -algebra.
    • for varieties , define:
      • for .
      • s.t. (i.e. in the ex.) for .
    • Back to the example with , ,
      • , i.e. (as affine varieties).
    • each such induces the def. of .
      • in the ex. we get
    • on p.3 there is an example of non-isom. varieties.
  • Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Number Theory
    • Question: Which ID are factorial? Look at Ring extensions
    • a ring.ext., say int. over if there is a monic pol. s.t. .
    • int. over is a ring s.t. , call it the integral closure. There are further remarks in the introduction.


Here I collect the questions I ask to the tutor concerning the lecture material, I expressively make reference to the script file.

  1. In the definition of , 2.16, I cannot understand the notion of since the function is an arbitrary ring homomorphism and can therefore have a domain completely different from its codomain. Intuitively is a notion that must differ from , since the latter is empty in many more cases, than the former (take and for an isomorphism, but , hence but ). Searching online I often found the preimage of the ideal to be the correct definition of and couldn’t clarify what exactly means (other than the proper set theoretic meaning that does not convince me due to the reason exposed above).
  2. In the definition 6.1, I cannot understand what β€œalmost all ” exactly means. Considering that that sequence is clearly meant to be finite (i.e. for ), I don’t see how the notion of β€œalmost all” can be defined. On this, I found from wikipedia that: β€œThe meaning of β€œnegligible” depends on the mathematical context; for instance, it can meanΒ finite,Β countable, orΒ null.” Given this finte context, I suppose the only plausible meaning is that it applies to all elements (i.e. negligible is null), but then why not just write ""?
  3. A similar issue presents itself in 7.3, where the index can be infinite, in that case I suppose that β€œalmost all” means β€œall but finitely many”, hence: the definition of direct sum results as the following: ; is this definition correct?
  4. On the definition 7.5.c of an -basis, I wanted to ask whether the understanding I have of it is correct: for a ring, an -module, is a basis if , here I use the symbol "" defined as follows: .
  5. On the lemma 7.9.b it is assumed that ” is an arbitrary -linear map”, I wanted therefore to ask whether the notion of β€œbeing arbitrary” could be clarified and whether it has been previously defined or more clearly stated.
  6. In the solution of Exercise Sheet 14, Exercise 1 c, it is stated that there is a map that is injective and inclusion preserving. In the lecture we have seen the map though I cannot see how that induces the map claimed in the solution or where that could otherwise come from. Could you either show me how the mapping of the function works or where it compares in the script? Also, I suppose that the map would not induce directly any mapping between the two spectra, since for , then would not be a prime ideal.
  1. Here, is just a notation to emphasize to which ring you contract the ideal . Hence, in 2.16, you have to interpret the equality as a definition of the left hand side. As you write, this equality does usually not make sense set-theoretically.
  2. Here, β€œalmost all” refers to the set The notation in 6.1 means that the sum is taken over the index set . In particular, for each , you have an element (written as if ) and we demand that for all but finitely many .
  3. This is correct.
  4. Your definition is almost correct. However, you have to additionally demand that for all but finitely many . Also, you should write (and not ).
  5. Here, β€œarbitrary” is just there to emphasize that while is surjective, need not be surjective. You can replace β€œan arbitrary” by β€œany”.
  6. in general, if is a ring homomorphism, then induces a continuous map (see e.g. exercise sheet 2, exercise 3). Here, we just have the special case .


I may continue to study related fields such as Algebraic Geometry (yt) and (Algebraic) Number Theory. In particular this source by Columbia University may be interesting: Stack Project and builds up on the already familiar material.

Exam Review

Here I list the remarks and questions I have regarding the correction of the exam by following the order of the exercises:

1a) Where I state max.elem. of , I used a confusing notation, I mean tin fact that this holds in general (as I state before) that when the minimal and maximal element of a partial order coincide, then the cardinality of the underlying set must be one. So as stated in that proposition is a general set and not that is used in the exercise. Since what I wrote about in that proposition holds for (here referring to the ring ), then I can conclude . If I got 5/6 in that exercise because of this misleading notation, one could reconsider it by reading this explanation and underlying that β€œin general”.

Secondly, it is remarked that I did not prove taht , this though immediately follows from the fact that…?