Hold by Prof. Matheusz Michałek at theUniKonstanz during the2nd_Semester.
11.1 Scalar Produdct
- def. for prove them all
- "" .8
- for subsp. of , there’s maximally one s.t. , is the orth. proj. of on
- Gram-Schm. want , , .
- is orth. is ONB is ONB ( conj. trans.) .27
11.3 Hermitian Matrix
- is self adjoint
- selfadj. , in or hermitian in .
- selfadj. for any eigenval.
- selfadj. and the eigenvec. of make an ONB, also diagonalisable .9.
- selfadj. for diag., orth. ()
12.1 inf. sup, min. max
- Partial Ordering: reflexive, antisymmetrical and transitive
- , is the smallest such ; .
12.2 Zorn’s Lemma
- maximal element in .
- A chain of is a totally ordered subset of
- Zorn’s Lemma: let s.t. any chain in has an then has a maximal element.
- Cor. every vectorspace has a basis & every ideal is contained in a maximal ideal.
13.1 Dualspace
- , dualbasis and all the rest to .
- , .6 for the function
- and note: , also , is lin.
- , “Transponieren heißt Komponenten dualisieren.”
- : ,
- inj. surj. and vice versa
- dualdual?
13.2 Bilinear Function
- and linear, for and . Too general
13.3 Bilinear Forms
- , denoted with , Darst.
- , it fixes first the right variable, does the opposite.
- , and
- not deg. inj. .
13.4 Quadratical Forms
- Quad forms Symmatrix Symm bilin. forms,
- see 13.4.6, converse is
13.5 Cholesky
- See the scritp, remember the form of and and the ways to reform the quadratic form.
- in there can be blocks with correspondance of in
- Cor. (not from above since has no need to be orth.) sym. diag.
14.1 Sylvester
- Sylv is only on , the quadratical forms
- .2.a number of pos. and neg. Eigenval.
- .2.c compute Cholesky and check the sign of elements in which are the .
- Mail Mario: if no Hauptmin. , then Vorzeichnenwechsel of them is , .
14.2 spd
- for in an -VS, we say , for .
- Cholesky only on , with and .8
- .7
- (n is the max) there’s a basis of , ,
- all real coef. of are (ez, not zerfallen) (in any way)
- all Leithau. has a Cholesky with .
- then there’s s.t. are diagonal.
15.1 Adjoint
- , if see 15.1.1, else for , linear 15.1.6
- if in then , and , conj. trans. (hermitian don’t change)
- For also inf. VS: , ismorphism 15.1.12
15.2 Normal Functions
- normal , of and eigenvec. are the same and eigenval. are conj.
- Take an ONB of and let be the function with those eigenvec. then is normal .4
- There is a ONB s.t. is diag. normal
- orth. exists ONB s.t. diagonal with every .
- orth. is a VS with isomorphism in and unitary in , 11.2.19
- is orth. ; and is unitary also: (ext, and ext)
- ext: for : normal diag.; normal
- blue table:
- orth. () ONB with eigenval on the unit circle,
- selfadj. real eigenval,
- , ONS of , useless? 15.2.9
- normal the matrix has s on the diagonal and weird blocks, 15.2.10
- orthogonal weird matrix .11 is isom. .6
16.1 Teilbarkeit
- , .
- We then define , and defined.
- is a of . is if is Hauptid. then .
16.2 ID and PID
- in ID: ,
- in a PID there is always a and a same holds in a FD (.4.23)
- in an ID: every princ. ideal is unique up to mult. with a unity.
16.3 ggT
- is the minimal ideal and also compute to simplify
- where compute is easy, you can then just check if
- in at least you can write to do that use the matrix as in .3
- in but also in for you can compute and then .
16.4 Factorial Rings
- Define is prime iff. and irr. if .
- is prime is ID; also in ID and prime is irr.
- Def . , s.t.
- in any ID the factorisation is unique
- in an FD every has a .
- in a FD ; PID FD
- FD irr. prime for every s.t. then s.t.
17.1 Smith
- Define Spalten- Zeilenoperationen, add and sub. and mult. it by .
- for inv. mat. and , , , .
- We get a new and create new equivalence classes, rappresentative is Smith
- Smith: . for (16.4.17), it always exists.
- 17.3.5
17.2 Cauchy-Binet
- you forget useless rows and columns, it must not be square.
- for ; .
- , .
- Minoref.: for , , mustn’t be
- minor, the ideal of every minor of order , ideal are decreasing for "" .13
- in the of all minors of order , also , (Determinantenteiler) .3
- , long way to get smith(), .4
- is the th coeff. of ; (Elementarteiler).
- .7.b, ez criterion for checking .
17.4 Cayley-Hamilton
- where is a change of basis they share everything
- ==17.4.8 ==
- ==, 17.4.9==
- same Smith.
- ext: where is a change of basis they share everything
- Algorithm .12
- Compute which gives you
- Compute note the Zeilenoperationen.
- Now take and inverte the Zeilenoperationen noted before this gives you
- Decompose in , for
- Now evaluate in to get and define .
- , for fields .14
17.5 Frobenius
- is easy con in fondo. is like smith but with .
- Also is with on the end of the diagonal; .
- then and .
- How to find: compute , then read .
- For any quad. , there’s with Frob(A), .
- To find , compute , there you have .
17.6 Weierstraß
- eind. bis auf Reih. and are powers of prime polyn. in ; .
- How to compute: compute then for every block () split it in prime polyn .3.b
17.7 Jordan
- , . For any Eigenwert you build a block respecting the mult.
- If we are in no ACF and doesn’t zerfällt, then the is not defined.
Arithmetic Tricks
- , for Sylv. Sign and Cholesky
- 11.3.5
- for -VS,
- for
- is an ideal
To Memorise
- Gram-Schm. want , , .
- for ; .
- Minoref.: for , , mustn’t be