In this Blowgun Games, players use blowguns in a setting reminiscent of airsoft combat. Below is a structured explanation of the necessary equipment, the setup, the rules of play, and the conditions for victory. This page is available also in Italian at Infected (IT).
The location should be dark, tight, and filled with corners to enhance stealth and close-range combat. This type of environment allows players to engage strategically without covering large distances. An example of such a location is Monte Moro, specifically the bunkers beneath it.
Required Equipment
Before the game begins, all participants must gather the following items and proceed to the decided location.
Each player must have a blowgun for engaging opponents. -
Protective eyewear is mandatory. -
While not every individual is obliged to have a torch, it is important that some torches are available since the bunkers are totally dark. -
Deck of Cards
It will be necessary to assign the roles.
Game Setup and Rules
1. Distribution of Cards
- Card Assignment:
At the start of the game, each participant is given a card. All cards are black except for one red card. - Role of the Red Card:
The holder of the red card is designated as the infected. This identity must remain secret from all other players.
2. Actions Available to the Infected
The infected player (or players once the contagion spreads) has two distinct methods to interact with other participants:
- Physical Infection:
- An infected player transmits the infection by touching another participant with their hand. Upon being infected in this way, the guard immediately switches teams to join the infected side, losing any chance to win as a guard. Infected players must remain silent and refrain from communicating their status to others; instead, they are required to proceed quietly to the designated respawn point (see 3. Respawn Mechanism) and leave behind their blowgun, as it is no longer permitted for use.
- Shooting:
- Exclusivity for the First Infected:
Only the very first infected is permitted to use their blowgun to shoot at other players. This ability is available until the first infected is killed for the first time; thereafter, they may no longer shoot, and subsequent infected players do not have the option to shoot. - A successful shot by the first infected to one of the guards kills them and does not infect them. To infect the killed guard, one of the infected must touch the dead body.
- Exclusivity for the First Infected:
3. Respawn Mechanism
- Red Card Placement:
- The first infected has the additional power to place their red card anywhere on the map.
- This placed card designates a specific respawn point for everyone of the infected, guards first infected are suggested to leave their blowgun at the respawn point.
- Respawning Rules:
- If a player (be they a guard or an infected) is killed, they may only respawn by reaching the location of the red card.
- Upon respawn, players must leave behind any blowgun they previously possessed.
- It is the responsibility of the infected team to maintain clear communication regarding the red card’s position.
4. Duration and Endgame Conditions
- Timer Setting:
- At the outset, a timer is set. The duration is calculated as 1:30 minutes per player.
- For 4 players: 1:30 × 4 = 6 minutes.
- For 6 players: 1:30 × 6 = 9 minutes.
- For 8 players: 1:30 × 8 = 12 minutes.
- At the outset, a timer is set. The duration is calculated as 1:30 minutes per player.
- Victory Conditions:
- When the Timer Expires:
- At Least One Guard Remains: The guards (non-infected players) win if at least one guard is still alive. All guards who have been infected during the game lose.
- When All Players Are Infected: The first infected wins. All guards who have been infected during the game lose.
- When the Timer Expires: