I first introduced myself into set theory during the 1st Semester of my bachelor at the University of Constance, during the 2nd Semester I then followed Advanced Set Theory (Lecture) and got introduced into Forcing. I then used set theory frequently in most of the essays I wrote for my B.A. Philosophy (LMU) but couldn’t find the right place where to deepen my knowledge at the LMU Munich other than with some helpful discussions with Prof. Peter M. Schuster who then co-supervised my Bachelor Thesis. At the ILLC Amsterdam I followed during my 6th Semester the course in Rudiments in Set Theory (Lecture).
Philosophy of Set Theory
I have also always been interested in the philosophical side of it, I visited the 3-days seminar in Philosophy of Set Theory in Pisa with Leon Horsten and others.
Papers to Read
- On Sets and Classes