Starting my 6th Semester in January, I find myself with many things that I left unfinished and now need to complete in order to finish my M.Sc. Logic (UvA) within one year and still meet all the requirements I listed in Assume I finish the MoL in one year, what then. On this page, I attempt to bring some order to my thoughts regarding the most important tasks I need to complete before starting and focusing on the thesis. For this reason, this list neglects both the Master Thesis and all courses of the 6th Semester, as my priority is first to ensure that all tasks from the 5th Semester are completed.
Since my concern is not whether I should complete these tasks, but rather when and with what priority they should be done, I have organised the list by deadlines, noting how flexible they are and which advantages I gain by completing some tasks earlier than others.
Category Theory (Lecture) Exam
- Deadline: 20.01
Ontic Structuralism of Concepts
- Deadline: 24.01
- I already have a well-formed idea for the essay and just need to write it down. It is not a particularly challenging or technical essay, so I expect to finish it easily before the deadline, if not sooner.
De Re Knowledge of Arbitrary Objects
- Deadline: 31.01
- This project is my highest priority—not because the deadline is strict (as it could potentially be postponed by months), but because I already have a clear plan for how to proceed. I aim to create a submission-worthy project for conferences (though I am not assuming acceptance) and to position it as a potential publication for the PhD Applications.
Forcing (Research Project) Presentation
- Deadline: 07.02
- The date has been fixed. I will handle the introductory part and, as a result, will not need to prepare much additional material.
A Topological Approach to Infinite Disjunctions
- Deadline: 08.02
- I will finalise the idea for this project while working on De Re Knowledge of Arbitrary Objects. My plan is to submit the essay by the first week of February.
Introduction to Modal Logic (Lecture) Exam
- Deadline: 20.02
- This exam covers a substantial amount of material and will significantly impact my final average (see Track of the MSc. Logic). Therefore, I will dedicate all my time after the Forcing (Research Project) presentation to its preparation.
Forcing (Research Project) Exercises
- Deadline: 25.02
- There is no strict deadline for these exercises. I will work on them after completing the Introduction to Modal Logic (Lecture) exam.
Structuralism & Categories (Research Project) Cinti
- Deadline: 28.02
- I will complete this project by incorporating parts of previously written essays and submitting the final work.
Master Thesis Abstract & Project details submission
- Deadline: 01.03
Structuralism & Categories (Research Project) Benno
- Deadline: 10.03
- Starting with the work submitted for the same project under Cinti’s supervision, I aim to deepen my understanding of Morita equivalence. I will conclude the project by adding a categorical perspective. However, due to time constraints and my desire to focus on writing the Master Thesis by this point, I will not be able to delve as deeply into the categorical details in the literature as I initially planned.