In the past, I outlined some sufficient conditions that would make it convenient for me to complete the M.Sc. Logic (UvA) in one year instead of two (see Assume I finish the MoL in one year, what then). I largely followed the principles I set out there and submitted PhD Applications under the assumption that I would complete the Master of Logic in one year. However, some bureaucratic concerns now need to be addressed to ensure that there are no issues moving forward.

On 28.10.2024, I contacted Maria Aloni regarding the possibility of finishing the Master of Logic in one year and the relevant deadlines for submitting the thesis. Since she oversees the graduation trajectory, I asked for clarification on the requirements, and she provided the following response:

As for the formal requirement, as you mention in your email, to graduate in the summer of 2025, you need to submit your academic plan and thesis project by March 1st, 2025, and to do so, you must have completed at least 72 EC by that date. This is the only requirement.

Thus, before 1st March, I need to accomplish two things: (i) formulate a clear project for my Master Thesis, which is currently lacking, and (ii) complete at least 72 EC. The first point does not seem particularly critical, as I will be able to adjust my thesis trajectory while working on it. However, I do need to identify a supervisor, which will likely be Schindler, as previously discussed.

Regarding the second point, my recent failure in the Category Theory (Lecture) exam means I will not have the corresponding credits by that date, and I may also face difficulties in completing the more category-theoretic aspects of Structuralism & Categories (Research Project). Based on my expected total workload for the 5th Semester—65 EC from the 1st and 2nd periods and 18 EC from research projects in the 3rd period—I was originally aiming for 83 EC. However, given the failed exam, I will instead accumulate only 69 EC. This is problematic, as I will be short of 3 EC. Furthermore, this calculation assumes that no further issues or delays arise, which is uncertain given that my plans from Finishing the Fifth Semester, Deadlines and Priorities did not fully materialise.

To ensure that I reach the expected 69 EC, the following conditions must be met:

Additionally, I need to find a valid way to obtain the missing 3 EC. The simplest solution would be to extend my research project with Enrico Cinti by 3 EC, so I need to contact him via email to discuss this possibility. I have now [04.02.2025] done it.

Lastly, I will send another email to Maria Aloni to clarify these details and ensure there are no further bureaucratic obstacles. I have now [04.02.2025] done it.