In order to make sure that I get an optimal average out of the M.Sc. Logic (UvA), I asked some questions to the secretary of the programme, I paste here the email I sent and the answers. These questions have to do with what discussed in particular in Track of the MSc. Logic.
Email Sent
Dear Tuğba,
I have some questions on the Academic Plan which I need to complete before the 1st of March, since I plan on graduating this summer. I will be in the university today, so feel free to let me know in case you prefer me to come to your office.
Firstly, I would like to ask how to select my research projects within the academic plan, as they are not currently visible. In particular, I intend to undertake an additional research project in the upcoming semester for which I have not yet planned or registered. How can I ensure that the credits for this project are included in the overall total?
Specifically, I have agreed with Enrico Cinti—the supervisor of the research project on Categorical Foundations of Structuralism—to add an extra 6EC to the original project, by initiating a new one. This would allow additional time to explore further research questions that have arisen during the current one. It may be possible to achieve this by doing nothing more but transferring the supervision of my second research project from Benno to Enrico since the focus has shifted from Category Theory towards the Philosophy of Physics.
This arrangement implies that I should be able to select 18EC for the currently registered research projects, counting also the research project on Forcing originsed by Yurii in the past block, which is also not currently selectable on the academic plan. Finally, I intend either to work on a personal research project in the Philosophy of Set Theory with Yurii or to take part in one of those offered in the 6th block of this year, thus reaching a total of 24EC in research projects.
I also have a couple of queries regarding the conditions for the cum laude distinction. One requirement states:
“If more than one third of a curriculum is comprised of exemptions or components marked with a ‘pass’, the qualification of cum laude will not be awarded.” source
Am I correct in assuming that the thesis is excluded from the curriculum calculation, and that the limit for ‘pass’ components is therefore 30EC? In my case, I would have 24EC from research projects, 3EC from the Seminar in Mathematical Logic, and 3EC from LoLaCo, totalling 30EC.
Secondly, regarding the requirement that every component must be marked with at least a 7 (2.a), it applies solely to courses registered in the academic plan as main courses, and not to those considered extracurricular, right?
Finally, concerning the track selection: based on my current course choices, I satisfy the requirements for both the Mathematics track (in which I am currently enrolled) and the Linguistics track. As far as I understand, depending on the marks received after the 1st of March, it should be possible to adjust the course selection so that the more favourable marks count towards the main requirements (within the respective limits), with the lower marks allocated to the extracurricular component. Could you please advise on how this can be achieved?
Best regards,