This website is structured so that you can navigate between pages using internal links, such as Horreum. Some other links are external and take you to other web pages, like Google. On this homepage, I present the general structure of the website and highlight the most relevant pages you may want to visit. A short recap of its academic part, with relative links, is best presented in Curriculum Vitae.pdf.

Structure of the Website

  1. Active & Works: where I collect my academic texts, lecture notes, and essays.
  2. Passive & Notes: here you will find my notes on papers and authors.
  3. ExAcademia: notes on any other productive aspect of my life outside academia can be found here.
  4. System: In this last folder, I collect files that enable the Website Functions.

Main Content

The most relevant pages for my academic work are Index of Bachelor Works and Index of Master Works. Here, all my thoughts and projects during my academic journey are organised and listed. Among these, you can find my Bachelor Thesis and my research project Structuralism & Categories (Research Project). Papers I plan on reading soon are available at Papers to Read, and Passive & Notes gives a general outline of the literature I am familiar with.

Outside of academia, I also publish details about my financial life in Finance Homepage, and I share some of the Python programs I’ve written to organise larger amounts of data in Storage Information Programs with OOP. Finally, a Condensed Biography is available to give you an idea of my background and the significant life choices I’ve made. I have also uploaded my Business Curriculum.pdf & my Curriculum Vitae.pdf.

Website Functions

You are always welcome to leave Comments on this website. You can also find a general list of Documents that I have made public, which certify most of the data I publish.